Inspiring Simplicity. Weekend Reads.

Minimalism is the intentional promotion of the things we most value and the removal of anything that distracts us from it. It requires a conscious decision because it is a countercultural lifestyle that stands against the culture of overconsumption that surrounds us.

The world we live in is not friendly to the pursuit of minimalism. Its tendencies and relentless advertising campaigns call us to acquire more, better, faster, and newer. The journey of finding simplicity requires consistent inspiration.

For that reason, I hope you will make an effort this weekend to find a quiet moment with a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy some of these hand-picked articles to encourage more simplicity in your life.

How TikTok Is Wiring Gen Z’s Money Brain | The Wall Street Journal by Julie Jargon and Ann-Marie Alcántara. Between TikTok and having your friends around you, you’re pressured to buy the things because you want to fit in. That’s always been the case, but with TikTok it’s more prominent.

10 Essential Principles of Minimalist Living | No Sidebar. Minimalism isn’t about giving up joy, happiness, or fun. Just the opposite, minimalism is about living a bigger, better, more exciting life.

Getting Ahead vs. Having Enough | Behavior Gap by Carl Richards. Just for a minute, imagine what it might feel like to be satisfied with simply having “Enough.”

5 Minimalist Habits To Achieve Financial Freedom | Forbes by Amy Slenker-Smith. When you lack financial discipline, the disorganization continues. Don’t let clutter cost you time and money.

10 Questions to Help You Declutter Your Spending | Simple Money by Harper Bennett. By adopting a minimalist mindset towards spending, we can simplify our financial lives and focus on what truly matters.

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